Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spelling Bee Champion!

Announcing the winner of the Glenwood Pee Wee Spelling Bee................Miss Erin Leap! Yeah Erin! She will now go on to the regional contest. Good Luck Erin!!

Capital Test coming up!

Don't forget the Southeast region capital test coming up on Thursday!


easel ebony economy education elapsed eligible embellish emotional endure environment equity especially essential establish esteem

Monday, January 28, 2008

WEEK OF 1/28/08

This week looks like this:

READING: review previous skills, power words, biographies- I have assigned everyone a biography- they read them today and they will fill in and color a poster on their person starting tomorrow
SPELLING: words with the schwa sound
SOCIAL STUDIES: The kids did super teaching their SE person/event! While they taught, they had to write on the board one important fact and date about their person/event. Everyone had to take notes on all these facts. This week, they will put the events in order on a timeline, so that they can see that all these happenings and people in the Southeast's history didn't occur at the same time! They will also hear a powerful story of 2 boys in the Civil War and do some related work. I will show them 3 short DVD's this week on people they learned and taught about! They are: Pocahontas, Abe Lincoln, and Harriet Tubman. They will do related work with the DVD's as well. By the way, I saw some super creative games! The questions the children came up with were fantastic! When children have to think of the questions, that practices those higher level thinking skills!!!
ENGLISH: past tense verbs, helping verbs, letter writing
MATH: large number multiplication, rounding before multiplying

We will take a break from social studies next week and do a science unit on forces. I won a grant in November and got some neat new science stuff recently! I am anxious to start using it!

Please don't forget to do reading/math homework. We went from 100% participation to 50% participation last week! What a disappointment! The homework doesn't take that long and they have 4 days to do it. We practice important skills with the homework on Fridays. Please make sure your child is doing the homework.

The school spelling bee is this week. Brent and Erin are our class winners!! Good job you two!! Good for all who tried out as well! We will find out tomorrow who our school champions are!

We ran out of time Friday to take our spelling enrichment test. I am sorry! We will take it tomorrow. I will post some new words tomorrow for this Friday's test.

Postcards are starting to come in! Yeah! We have 60 Oklahoma postcards! We only need about 10 more! Thanks to all who have sent them in! We also have been receiving some other state postcards! Keep those coming in as well!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Week of 01/22/08

This week:

Reading: Skill focus- setting, reviw other skills, practice comprehension using UNRAVELING
Math: Big number multiplication
Social Studies: Finish up SE person/event projects, teach about SE person/event, share games
English: Object pronouns, subject pronouns
Spelling: Time and calendar words

Please remember that the SE person/event game is due on Friday. The kids may get together with their partner and create a game or create one independently. Some of the children have finished their SE school projects early, so they started on their games here at school. Please remember that the game needs to teach something about their person or event. (example - before moving on a board game, the player has to answer a question on a card correctly first)

Don't forget that we are in need of Oklahoma postcards. Only 2 children have brought them. If everyone could add a postcard or 2 to their shopping list, we would have enough in no time! I have seen them at Hastings, Walmart, and a few convenience stores where I get gas.

Also, if you know someone that lives in another state, please ask them to drop us a postcard in the mail for our Postcards Across the USA project. I can't find my form to send out to people requesting them. I will keep looking. Our address here at school is: 824 N. Oakwood

Snacks - I have noticed a variety of snacks lately......some healthy, others not so healthy. Healthy ones I have seen include: nuts, applesauce, veggies with ranch dip, apples, granola bars, popcorn, etc. Snacks that aren't necessarily healthy, but certainly okay include pretzels, cheez its, 100 calorie snack packs of a variety, etc. Snacks thatI have seen lately that aren't healthy or acceptable are twinkies, bags of cookies, large bags of chips, brownies, etc. Our school tries to keep with the healthy snack policy. Please make sure your child is bringing something acceptable. Water drinking is also hugely encouraged. Research shows that brain hydration leads to less headaches, and more energy and attentiveness.

Spelling Enrichment - daffodil dainty deferred definite delicious descent diabetes diligently disappear disinfectant disruption dissatisfied distinction diversity duplicate

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Spelling Bee Top 5!/ Spelling Enrichment

And the top 5 are..............................Erin, Ranjan, Rachael, Brent, and Alex!!!!! These 5 will compete in a class bee on Tuesday, Jan. 22, to determine the top 3. The final class bee will be on Thursday, January 24, to determine our 2 winners. These 2 will compete against the 4 winners from the other 4th grade classes to determine the Glenwood 4th grade winner! The Thursday bee will be oral to help prepare them better for the 'school bee' which is also oral.

This week's spelling enrichment words are:

cabinet candidate calamity ceiling charcoal cherub cholera cicada cognitive comparative conference conceited confrontation continuation coordinator

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week of 1/14/07

Here is what is up this week:
Reading: skill focus - sequencing, we will also practice using the UNRAVELING technique with reading comprehension
Spelling: double consonants
English: continued parts of speech study and friendly letters
Math: estimating large multiplication problems
Social Studies: the kids will work with their partner(s) to research their assigned event or person from the southeast region and complete 2 projects in class - they will teach their classmates what they learned next week - their longterm homework assignment due next Friday, Jan. 25th is to create a game that reinforces what they learned and taught their classmates about their topic..........The kids seem excited about this game project. They may do an independent game or get together with their partner and create one together.

Other news:

We are in the middle of a Spelling Bee play-off for our 5th position spot! Monday's test will be our 3rd test and it will determine who wins that spot. Thursday, we will have our championship round and pick our final 2. I will post our 5 winners tomorrow!

Erin, thanks for posting a message! I am glad you are up on the blog! It keeps you updated on important business first hand!!

We are starting 2 longterm class projects involving postcards. We are trying to collect as many postcards from other states as we can! Last year my kids collected about 35. We would like to beat that! Can you help us? I am trying to find my form that you can send out requesting the postcards.

The other thing is, we are trying to make an Oklahoma mural on our ugly classroom wall! We want to make the wall prettier!!! We need Oklahoma postcards......lots and lots! Brent, our local cartographer, is going to draw a large Oklahoma outline in pencil on our wall. We then will fill it in with Oklahoma postcards. I saw one of these done and thought what a cool idea! I think we could do that! So please help, by sending us some OK postcards. You can find them at a lot of places.........I have seen them at Walmart and Hastings. I bet KMart has them too!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Sorry the words are so late! I had some things come up this evening and couldn't get to the computer!

abacus blitz category draperies embattled fissure grenade heir illegal juvenile kayak license mountain nickel ogre

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Week of January 7th!

Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Christmas Break! It is amazing to me that we are in the 2nd half of the school year. Time flies! This month we will begin gearing up for testing! State tests are just around the corner! This week we will work on the reading skill: context clues. We will multiply 2, 3, and 4 digit numbers. We will begin the Southeast Region of the United States. It is my very favorite region because of the history involved. This week we will just study the geography of the region and next week I will partner the children up to research an important event, person, or place in the Southeast. In spelling, the words will be short/long u's. In English we will review the parts of speech we have studied, as well as write to our pen pals.

I am doing something different this semester with regards to the 100 minutes and fluency book reading homework. I am making the homework take less time, but be more skill focused. Every Monday, I will send home a short reading story with 8 questions, as well as 6 math review questions. The work will need to be completed and brought back to class by Friday. I really encourage you to take the time to sit down with your child and work on this together. Let him/her read the passage to you, and then work on the questions together. This is just a suggestion. You can work on the math portion together as well. Your child may bring juice to school on Friday along with their homework. We will go over the homework together over juice! Remember, this is instead of the 100 minutes and fluency book. Please support your child in taking responsibility for this. I know homework is not always fun for either parents or kids, (I know....I have a child too), but we will do your child a huge favor in the very near future if they have a little idea about how to manage their home time and balance school, extracurricular activities, and fun. I am trying my best to make it as pain free as possible and also make it a learning oppurtunity. Please still encourage your child to read for pleasure at home as well. It is so important! My 5th grader does not have reading minutes required, but has other homework. I still make her read though. I have read to her since she was in the womb, but unlike her mom and grandma, she would a lot rather be doing something else! Once she gets going on a book however, she ends up, despite herself, liking it!! Maybe there is hope after all!

December Fun!

December brought many fun events! Here are some pics from gingerbread houses and owl pellets!