Monday, August 11, 2008


This year your child will learn a little about economics and hopefully become better money managers as a result! Every child will apply for 3 classroom salaried positions. They will fill out a job application stating what jobs they are applying for and why they would be good in that position. I will hire each of them for 1 of the jobs they applied for. Payday will be the 20th of each month. At that time the children will make deposits with the banker, pay rent for their home (desk/chair), pay any fines they may have received regarding incomplete work, messy work area, or not turning in homework. They can also visit the store and purchase monthly privileges with any leftover money they may have. Some of the children may be really good at saving their money. If this is the case, they may end up saving enough money to buy their home (desk/chair) and not have to pay monthly rent anymore. At the end of the year, we will have an auction. The more money the children save, the better chance they have of getting a much wanted item. I hope to teach the children a little about money management, budgeting, saving, delayed gratification, as well as work ethic, and when you work for things maybe you appreciate things more. The children will also learn to fill out ledgers and might get visited by the taxman! These are life lessons……….the most important lessons we can teach them!

1 comment:

Kathryn's Mom said...

Great idea!

Some other great lessons:

The Bathtub Analogy

Budget Buzz Activities