Monday, August 11, 2008


Turn in your homework (if you have any)
Hang your backpack and coat up
Sharpen your pencils (2 at the most)
Begin your morning work

When you hear the music, begin gathering your homework (if needed) to put in your backpack, check the board to make sure you have everything completed
Clean up your area
Clean your desk top
Check your mailbox for notes and graded work
Put your backpack and coat on your desk
Help others

As far as homework is concerned, I generally will not assign too much homework. I will assign a long term, fun project once a month. For the most part, the only homework you will have is the daily work you did not complete in class. I do encourage reading at home, though it is not a requirement.

Turn-in Trays are located on the table by the mailboxes. Turn in your work in the tray marked with the subject you completed. Highlight your name right before turning it in. Any late or absent work should be turned in directly to me.

You will receive 1 night for every day you are absent to make up absent work.

Work is due the next morning at 8:00. If you are late with an assignment, you will receive a $1.00 fine due on payday (see Economic System). You will also miss free time that day. If you have a consistent problem with late work, I will contact your parent.

I expect you to walk nicely to get in line. Walk quietly and nicely on the right side of the hall. When going to lunch, remember single file, second tile.

You may talk using inside voices. Be respectful and use good manners.

You will receive 2 bathroom passes to use each day. You may go to the bathroom when you need to without asking me as long as I am not teaching or you are not taking a test. There are 2 plastic boxes on the small table by the smartboard. When you need to go to the bathroom, simply take your bathroom pass and put it on top of the box. When you return, put the pass inside the box. It will be used up then. One boy and one girl are allowed out at the same time, so if you see another girl’s pass on top of the box and you are a girl, you will need to wait until she gets back. You may also go to the bathroom during lunch and computer without a pass. I understand emergencies, but if you consistently need to go more often than that, I will need a letter from your parent.

Sit quietly and wait patiently for the next subject. You may read a book, or finish other work you have not completed. You shouldn’t have much time between subjects.

DIRT/Accelerated Reader
DIRT(Daily Independent Reading Time) will be set aside every day. It is very important!! You are to stay on task and READ during this time. You need to have a book already picked out when it is DIRT. On Fridays you can read “everybody books”. There will be fun rewards for earning AR points!!

This is a club for everyone! There are lots of things to learn and memorize for FUN! We will keep track of all the challenges you have learned and at the end of the year, you will receive extra auction money!! Check out the Mastery Club link.

These beads are earned through timed multiplication facts quizes.  We will have a banana split party in January for those that passed through their tests!
Your yellow folders will be your Unfinished Work Folders. They are strictly for uncompleted work. If you do not get something done, and we need to move on, put the unfinished work in this folder. If you have any free time, you can get it out and work on it. If at the end of the day, you still have unfinished work in the folder, take the folder home. Finish your work and bring the yellow folder with your completed work in it back to school the next day. Always keep the folder on or in your desk, except to take it home. Please do not use it to store other things.

Your red folders will be your Morning Work Folders. Each morning you will have a short math and language arts assignment to do. It is very important that you keep track of this work because we will work on it and go over it every day. Make sure that you keep your morning work in your red folder.

Most of your supplies can be kept in a plastic box in your desk. Write your name on all supplies. When we need them for art or another project/activity, you will have your supplies handy. Please take good care of your supplies. Keep them neatly in their original boxes and put lids on tightly.

We will follow the 8 Expectations for our classroom rules. (See the post, The 8 Expectations) You have a small magnet on your desk to refer to when needed. Remember, we are a family this year and we need to value one another and be kind and helpful. As far as consequences goes, Free Choice Time and Fun Friday will be taken away if needed to remind you how to act.

I expect you to use the 8 Expectations. As a class, we will work towards getting 25 good and productive days.  When this happens, the class will earn a privilege such as Show and Tell, or a special Themed Day, etc.

When you are in music, P.E., computer, the playground, an assembly, the library, etc., you need to follow the 8 Expectations as well as the established rules in those places.

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