Sunday, August 9, 2009

Welcome to 4th grade!!

August 10, 2008


I’m Mrs. Corderman. I have taught grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th for a total of 17 years. Five of those years have been in 4th grade and I really enjoy this age/grade. I feel the experience I have with teaching several grade levels helps me to know where my students have come from and where they are headed. I look forward to a great year with your child.
Personally, I have been married for 14 years to a dear man named Brian, and we have a precious 12 year old daughter named Baylee. We are also in the process of an international adoption. We are heading to Ethiopia this week to adopt Eli, 6 months old! I will be gone the 1st 9 weeks. Mrs. Barrick will be my substitute. She is a certified teacher and a wonderful person! Your child will learn a lot and be very much cared for in my absence. I would love for your child to be a part of our adoption process by following along on our journey at We so look forward to adding to our family in this miraculous way. We live somewhat in the country and have too many dogs. :) We spend a lot of time outdoors, and enjoy camping and gardening.
I created a website last year. On this blog, I will keep you informed with what is going on in the classroom, as well as my policies and procedures. I am aware that not everyone may have internet access, so I will send home copies of most everything I post on the blog. If you don’t have internet, ask your child to take home our class policy and procedure book for you to go over. I will spend a good many weeks going over the classroom procedures to ensure that the children understand what is expected. This way every child can be successful. I believe that when children know and understand expectations, they feel happier and better about themselves. I also believe we become a family here at school and we need to take care of each other and treat each other with the utmost compassion and respect. I will do my best to make sure that your child feels cared about and safe this year. You can help with this process too, by supporting your child in regards to getting to school on time, making sure your child completes any homework he/she may have, and making sure you keep up to date on what is happening with your child both emotionally and academically.
Because I have outlined my expectations and procedures on my website, as well as a class policy book, I will not be having a parent meeting. If you feel that you would still like to meet personally with me, please let me know. I will be happy to meet with you anytime after school.
The name of my website is I would love to post pictures of the children throughout the year too! Attached is a permission slip if you will allow your child to be photographed and put on the site. No last names will ever be posted. Please sign and return the permission slip whether it is yes or no.
This year your child will be transitioning from learning to read well to reading to learn. Reading is so very important! Please set aside time each week to have your child read aloud to you, as well as time for them to read silently.
This year your child will be learning the geography and history of our 50 states. Have fun at home in learning the locations of the states. Does your child know his/her multiplication facts? Quiz him/her in the car on the way to ball or dance practice. There are a lot of interesting things to learn this year and we will learn them in a fun way!
I will send home papers as they are graded throughout the week. Please check your child’s backpack every day.
Every Friday will be designated Fun Friday. To reward hard work, completed assignments, and good behavior, we will be meeting that day with our kindergarten partners! We will also have a 15 minute recess and a 20 minute center time! If your child has any unfinished work or has had any behavior problems, Fun Friday will be less fun.
One last thing……. I truly believe a child’s brain needs to be fed more than three times a day to be in top learning shape. There is a huge lapse between breakfast and lunch. Therefore, I allow a midmorning snack. Please allow your child to bring a daily snack. Examples of good snacks are: snack crackers (Goldfish, Cheez-Its, etc.), pretzels, celery & peanut butter, fresh fruit or canned fruit, carrots, or any other non, or not too sugary snack. Also, the brain needs to stay hydrated, so they may bring a water bottle.
I know this will be a super year! Working together we can make this a fun year full of academic, social, and emotional growth in which your child feels successful and good about him/herself. If you have any questions, please call me at school, send a note, post a message on the blog, or stop by.