Friday, May 3, 2013

Week of May 6th

Hello Families!

Reading - The children have a May reading assignment.  We have a selection of small chapter book kits in the classroom.  The children have 2 weeks to complete 2 books, 2 AR tests, and 2 reading responses.  I give them 25 to 30 minutes 4 times weekly to read in class, so most can finish their books in class.  You might communicate with your child about this, so they know you know about it. :)

English - We will finish up our poetry unit this week.  I have so enjoyed reading the children's poetry!  They are quite a creative bunch!

Spelling - States list 3

Math - Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper to mixed

Science - Plants

Social Studies - Types of wagons, SW Location and Capital test on Wednesday (This test only includes 4 states including Oklahoma so we will take the capitals/locations together.)

Don't forget that the Egg Drop is Friday!! Can't wait to see all the great inventions!

Our 50 point AR party is Friday.  Thanks to those who are donating food items for it and those who are helping out as well! :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week of April 29th

Hi Families!!

Here is this week's agenda:

Reading - New short novel assigned this week, historical fiction report due this week

Spelling - 2nd set of state words

English - Poetry

Math - Adding mixed numbers

Science - Insect development, butterfly journals

Social Studies - Chief Joseph, Indian Removal, Westward Expansion

Don't forget to have your child at school early. We leave promptly at 8:00 for OKC.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Hello Families!

Whew! We are SUPER glad testing is over! I am so very proud of how hard the kids worked!

The next week will be very busy, but fun!  I hope you have your A to Z Countdown Calendar of Events in a special place.  Monday will be C day.  The kids can bring their favorite candybar to school!  We had a lot of fun with today's activity: Bubblegum blowing contest......the winners were: Carlie - first place, Kayleb 2nd place, and Karrington, Hunter, and Kassidy tied for 3rd place!

Thanks to all who sent their blue signed note back on time.  There is a pink note that went home today that needs to be returned next week in order for your child to participate in our Safety Day next Friday.  Also next Friday is the Spring Fling.  More information will be sent home next week regarding this fun event!  I hope everyone saw the note saying that our Leonardo's field trip has been changed to Monday, May 20th.  Thanks to all who have signed up to volunteer on either field trip!! We greatly appreciate you!

This week's agenda is as follows:

Reading - We will finish our historical fiction book and do a report on it.

Spelling - Your child will have a list of 13 states as their spelling words this week.

English - Poetry

Social Studies - We are starting our study of the West and Southwest.  We will also be taking our Midwest Location Test (Wednesday) and Midwest Capital Test (Friday).

Science - Butterflies, Oil Derricks

Math - Venn Diagrams, Comparing fractions - Over the next month, we will be going more deeply into fractions. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Week of April 1st

Hello Families! Hope your Easter was as nice as mine! Here is this week's agenda:

Reading - The children will begin a historical fiction novel this week. We will also be doing some test prep, reviewing a lot of skills through Study Island.

English - Online stories in computer lab

Spelling - list 24 /shun/

Math - bar, line, and circle graphs; test prep

Social Studies - Mighty Mississipi, Wright Brothers

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We need your help!

Hi Families! I have two things I need to talk to you about.

1) The children have been working on a long term project for several weeks now. They wrote stories and are now typing and illustrating them on an online publishing site.  We have a limited time to type and edit at school, so I am asking you to help your child at home by helping with the editing and possibly some of the typing.  I have used this site for years and it is wonderful!  Every child will receive a free book.  I will be sending home an order form in case you want to order more copies.  Regardless of wether you order more copies, I need you to sign the form stating that you were given the opportunity to order. This enables your child to receive the free book. The due date for our books to be completed on the web site is April 12th. Your child has a code and the site is called 

2) All year the children have been working at a classroom job.  They have had the opportunity to earn and save money.  Auction time is quickly approaching! This is an exciting day in which the children will get to spend all their saved money!  I have been collecting items throughout the year, but I need your help too. If you could donate an item or two, that would be great! Example items donated in the past are: water toys for summer, Nerf guns, balls, etc......basically anything your child would like would work. You don't have to spend a lot of money (a $2 or $3 item is fine), anything will help.  I really appreciate your help with this! It gets quite expensive trying to make the auction special for 24 kids without your help. Thanks so much! Our auction will be the first part of May. If you are able to help out you can send the donations any time.  Please sign and return the bottom portion of the copy I am sending home with your child or send me a message stating you can help with your child's book and let me know if you can donate an auction item.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Week of March 25th

Happy Spring Break! Just letting you know what's on the horizon when we return from the break...............

Reading - We will finish our Reading BINGO and Biography Posters this week.

Spelling - List 23 Silent Letters

English - Colons, Possessive Nouns, Online Stories

Math - Graphs

Social Studies - Henry Ford, Sitting Bull

 We are going to finish up the Midwest, then do a quick study of the West/Southwest, then we will move on to some cool science topics the last 5 weeks of school!

Don't forget the March Madness Reading Challenge!

I will see you in a week!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week of March 11th

Hello Families! Here is the agenda for next week:

Reading - Reading BINGO and Biography Poster Reports

Spelling - Figurative Language vocabulary  - This is a repeat list.......most did not do well on this list.  The ones that made an A or a B will be excused.  These terms and being able to apply them are very important to know for state testing.

Math - We will finish up fractions this week.  We will also take a cumulative review test.

English - Online stories

Science - Fossil Fuels

Social Studies - Henry Ford, Chicago Skycrapers, Railroads

**I sent home a note requesting parent volunteers for upcoming field trips, please look for that note. 

OKC Science Museum - Monday, April 29th - Leave at 8 and return at 3

Leonardo's - Friday, May 17th - Leave at 9:40 and return around 2:30

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week of March 4th

This week will be pretty much a repeat of last week since snow days and my absences have gotten us behind. We will also be taking our benchmark tests.

This week is also super busy with the following activities:

**Read Across America Week
**Parent Teacher Conferences
**Spring Pictures
**Book Fair

Please look for flyers about these events. They should have come home Thursday and Friday. :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week of February 25th

Agenda for the following week:

Reading - We will be reading a class story called Stone Fox and doing related comprehension work with it. The children need to finish their leveled dog books by Monday, March 5th.

English - Online stories, quotations

Spelling - If  your child made an A or B on last week's spelling test, he or she will receive the week off! Good job! The rest of the class will need to study hard this week.

Math - Comparing fractions and equivalent fractions

Science - Offshore oil drilling

Social Studies - Chicago/skyscrapers, Industrial Revolution

Please don't forget to send in your dog/cat donations. A special thanks to Abby L,  Isaiah and Haedon for their donations. The food, toys and blankets will be greatly appreciated!! If everyone else could donate a $2 or $3 box of treats, that would be huge!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Week of February 19th

Hello Families!  Here is what's ahead for the 4 day week coming up:

Reading - We will finish Winn Dixie and the related comprehension work with it.  Their leveled readers are due to be finished February 26th along with an AR test taken.  If they are not done, they will miss out on our February reward day. 

Spelling - Math Vocabulary 3  - I will send home the list today because there are 12 words for next week and I didn't want them to not receive them until Tuesday. :) Please look for them.

English - Stories

Math - Fractions

Social Studies - Intro to the Midwest Region

Science - Fossils to Fuel

Don't forget to send dog/cat supplies if you can for our shelter donation. :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week of February 11th

Hello Families! Here is the agenda for the week ahead:

Math - measurement - area and capacity

Reading - Winn Dixie, leveled novels

English - stories

Spelling - Figurative Language terms

Science - Weather.....Look for a homework assignment this week that involves watching a weather forecast and recording the info. :)

The girls won the Superbowl Challenge!! The participating girls will get to have pizza in the class for lunch with me on Tuesday.

Hopefully you saw the note about our voluntary dog/cat supplies donation drive. A rescue person will come and speak to the class at the end of this month and we will give our donations to him at that time. It is wonderful to see the children participate in this and feel a part of things. I have encouraged my parents in the past to make their children work at home to help earn money to purchase something themselves. They feel empowered then and feel that even as young as they are, they can still do big things that make a difference!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week of February 4th

Hi Families! Here is a look at the week ahead:

Reading - We will be reading the book Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo as a class and doing comprehension work with it.  It is a wonderful story I think the children will love!

Spelling - Math vocabulary 2       I will be sending home the terms and definitions Monday.

English - Stories

Math - Measurement

Social Studies - We will be reviewing the history of the Southeast on Monday and taking a test on Friday. Look for a study guide on Monday afternoon. :)

Science - Weather

Don't forget that Monday I will count up the final reading points and determine whether the boys or girls are the Super Bowl Reading Champions!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week of January 28th

Hello families!


Reading - Nonfiction, affixes and roots, synonyms and antonyms, homonyms and multiple meanings, and resource materials

Spelling - math vocabulary - I will be sending home a list of the words and their meanings on Monday. They have to know the spellings and meanings of 8 math vocabulary words. If they make an A on the test on Thursday, they don't have to take the test on Friday.

English - We will officially  be working on our stories. The exciting news is that your child is going to be a published author!! After writing our rough drafts, we will begin typing our stories online. Your child will receive a code for this online publishing site, so they may work on their books at home. Every child will receive a free paperback copy of their books!!

Social Studies - On Monday, we will be making a study guide for the SW Region states test and capitals test. The location test will be Thursday and capital test will be Friday.

Science - Weather

Math - Symmetry, Object Transformations, Measurement

On Thursday, we will be having a Game and Feed for all students who have been well behaved and responsible! Your child will be bringing home a note if he/she has earned the privilege.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week of January 22nd

Hi Families! Here is what's up this week:

Reading: This week we will finish up our mysteries and case report. Our skill focus will be prefixes, suffixes and antonyms.

Spelling:  List 22 ight, ought, and aught

English:  Figurative Language review, Creative Writing

Math:  Line Relationships, Solids, Polygons, Quadrilaterals

Social Studies:  Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and Rosa Parks

Keep reading at home! I will be tallying last week's results to see if the girls are still in the lead or if the boys have moved ahead in the Superbowl Challenge!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week of January 14th

Hello Families! Hope your Christmas Break was a great one! Sorry I forgot to update the blog last week......completely slipped my mind! Here is your update for this week though:

Reading - The genre for this month is mystery. The children began their mystery novels last week. Their novels and related work are due January 18th. The skill of the week is fact and opinion.

Math - We will finish up division Monday with estimating quotients and then begin geometry. We will continuously review previously learned concepts and take cumulative review tests to check for learning and retention. Please look for these papers to come home with your child and go over them.

Spelling - List 21, Enriched list 21.5

English - Figurative Language, Creative Writing

Social Studies - We began the Southeast region last week. This week, we will look at the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, and the Civil War.

Hopefully everyone is reading at home! The girls are winning the Super Bowl Challenge so far!!