Monday, December 3, 2007

Week of 12/03/07

This week we will continue our literature unit of Owls in the Family. There will be reading homework this week and next week. Then the children will have a 3 week break from homework! We will also continue to practice our math facts and take speed tests. Most of the children are doing great with this! Spelling words are focused on the "o" sounds. English includes possessives and contractions. Today in social studies, the children took notes on American history in the Northeast Colonies. They will have a test on Wednesday. I told them to look over their notes tonight and tomorrow night. We will also begin a poster project on the Northeast states. I will give the kids directions tomorrow. These posters are due next Friday. I will give them some class time, but some children may need to take theirs home as well. Next week, I will test the children on the Northeast state's locations and capitals. I will send home a study guide for both tests later this week. You might put the practice sheet on your refrigerator and look over daily. For science, we will do some research on various types of owls. We will do our research in computer lab, and then put our research into a report.

I am in desperate need of parent volunteers for our December 18th Polar Pajama Day. I can't pull this day off without your help. If you can help that morning from 8:15-10:15 with a craft or learning station, please let me know. I know it is still early, but I wanted to give you plenty of notice. Thank you!

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