Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week of October 24th

Hi Families! I hope you've had a fantastic Fall Break! We sure did! This week is Red Ribbon Week.  Your child should have brought home a note on Wednesday that indicated what the theme was for each day.  I don't have a copy of that paper, but I do know that everyone is supposed to wear red tomorrow.  :)  Here is what's on the agenda for this week:

Reading - We will begin a class book called The BFG by Roald Dahl.  It is a wonderfully fun story the children will love!  We will be studying story elements while reading this book as well as doing some predicting and comprehension questions too.  I will also assign the children a leveled book to read independently.  When they are done with their leveled book, they will take an AR test and they will have a few assignments to complete that is related to their story.

Spelling - List 8 Double Letters       The enriched list are the "q" words.

English - Verb recognition, Adjectives

Math - More practice with addition properties and equations       New concepts - input/output, and balancing equations

Social Studies - Oklahoma Road Maps, Oklahoma symbols quiz (They will be able to use the book they created with the quiz. )

Science - Human Body

Quote- The word LISTEN contains the same letters as the word SILENT.  Alfred Brender

***Please have your child bring in one or two mini pumpkins (about the size of an apple or orange) no later than Friday.   Thank you so very much!!*****

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