Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Midterms went home on Monday. I have received most back with parent signatures. If you have not seen your child's midterms, you need to ask him/her about them. I need them back signed.

The track meet was rained out. So disappointing! It will be rescheduled for May 7th. That is going to be one busy week! We are going to be having the Read-a-Thon on Tuesday, May 6th, the Little Olympics field trip on Wednesday, May 7th, Leonardo's field trip on May 8th, and our class auction on May 9th. Wheww!

Our power point presentation will be on Friday, May 2nd at 10:50 in the Library. There will be a reception for you in our classroom immediately following the presentation. The presentation will last about 15 to 20 minutes and the reception the same. We have to be at lunch at 11:30. Hope you can come! The children are quite excited about their rainforest animal research!

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